Tuesday, April 19, 2011

GROUPON: $65 for an Ultimate Home Gym from Rock Bottom Gym! ($170.30 Value!)

Groupon is at it again with yet another awesome online deal: $65 for an Ultimate Home Gym from Rock Bottom Gym (a $170.30 Value!)!  Once I entered the real world, I started to realize how difficult it is to find time to stay in shape and how expensive it is to join a gym.  So, I've recently been trying to build up my home equipment in order to get a great workout at home, which saves both time and money!  Therefore, I've obviously had my eye out for some good deals on home workout equipment.  Since I don't buy gym equipment very often, I wasn't sure if this was a good deal or not, so I asked one of my friends who happens to be a personal trainer, and here's what she had to say:
For all of that together, it looks like a great deal to me!  If you were to go to buy all of that separately, it would be a lot more.  Bands are extremely versatile, especially when you have the door anchor.  You can work every muscle in your body at different levels of intensity and angles.  They're way cheaper than dumbbells, take up less space, and allow you to do all the same exercises.  The VersaDisc is a great tool for core, balance, and stability exercises. 
So, if you're looking for way to stay in shape while saving time and money, you may want to check out this Groupon!
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